The Harmony Community

Meet Our Trustees

Our trustees are the real stars behind everything we do at the Harmony Therapy Trust. They come from all sorts of backgrounds, each bringing their own specialities to the mix. It’s their hard work, ideas, and passion that keep us going strong. We literally couldn’t do it without them. Here, we’re excited to introduce you to the team that makes it all happen. Get to know the wonderful people guiding our mission forward.

  • Dawn Cockburn

    Founder & Life President

    Founder and Life President of The Trust. Having lost family members to Cancer, Dawn draws on her extensive knowledge of complementary therapies to bring about much needed rest and relaxation to the client-patients she treats, helping them into a feeling of "wellness and wellbeing" Her passion being reflexology, and with 20 years experience she has a vast knowledge in being able to support both therapists and talk to client-patients about how they can benefit from it.. With a career background in Law, Dawn decided to take the path of Holistic therapies in 1997. Dawn is an Independent Master teacher of Reiki, Stress Management, Indian Head Massage and counselling, plus End of Life Care Planning & Bereavement Support.
  • Gillian Pollard

    Chair of Trustees & Therapist

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    Kelly Smith

    Trustee & Office Manager

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    Lyn Baseley

    Trustee & Events Faciltator

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  • Cathy Ashby-Clarke

    Trustee & Treasurer

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  • Kim Pullen

    Trustee & Therapist

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    David Wayte

    Trustee & Therapist

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    Deborah Mulvany


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Want to Join Us

More Trustees are needed from all walks of life. Illness is not discriminatory of age and neither are we. Whilst older trustees bring a wealth of experience, we also seek young trustees for a fresh and energetic perspective. If you share our vision and passion and can bring skills to The Trust please contact us on or using the button below. 

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